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Upload Your DSi Photos Directly to Facebook

if you've got a European, Australian or Japanese DSi, you can now go to the settings menu or the DSi Shop to be presented with a system update - Once you've done this, the photo album will get a new feature.

After taking a picture, there will be a new button when looking at it in your photo album. Marked with a white f in a blue square, it's quite obvious what this does - It lets you send your picture directly to Facebook, that is, if you've got a Facebook account! The first time you try this feature you'll be asked to enter your Facebook login e-mail and password, but after that you're free to upload as many pictures as you want.

Once you've uploaded a picture, a new photo album will be created on your Facebook account, titled "Photos from Nintendo DSi," which will have every picture you upload in the future. Simple and quick to use!

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  1. I always get the communication error message.


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